The second date was no better. Sudenly J asked me about children and getting married, if I was ready to start a family...clearly we are at different points in our lives right now...He was sweet and funny, but I was not attracted to him, there was no spark. Plus he was alwasy tried to grab my ass in public, or try adn make out in front of elderly couples. Mind you this, I am not really into PDA when I am in the middle of a parking lot of a shopping center where the elderly are holding hands and little kids are running around. I said goodbye and figured that was that....But no, of course things can never be that simple!
Every couple of days he would text me odd statements such as: "I just had some delicious Lemonade. It was DELIGHTFUL!" to which I responded: "Congrats." (the meaner and shorter I was ith him in my texts, the more he would pursue me).
Honestly, I don't reallly care that you enjoyed lemondae that day. We haven't spoken in days, so why are you sending me this?
Find hilarous stuff like this here!
Now it has been a few months since I have seen this guy, and yes, even though I randomly get a text now and then, I was free of him...or so I thought.
Recently, during a much needed Happy Hour at a delicious place with my good friend A, a couple sitting at the table directly next to us loudly welcomes a third person, their son, to their table....I look up and who is walking right to that table? It was J. I ducked my head and began to sip my martini quickly while A is hysterically laughing at me. At this particular bar, the tables are etremely close together, so there was no real avoiding him. Thanking my lucky stars we hda just gotten the check, A and I bolted.
The next day, I stopped for some bagels....Guess who is in line ahead of me....It was, of course, J. What is this? Twice in two days? Someone is screwing with me....
I eventually though I was in the clear when about a week went by without any run ins or texts. I mena, the guy lives in CT only on the weekends adn is in DC the rest of the week (pretty much). I honestly did not think I would see him around that often.
Before work one day, I went to fill up my car with gas. As I am pumping, I hear a car behind me. I turn around just our of habit and quickly spin so my back is facing none other than J. I grabbed my phone and pressed it to my ear and resorted to pretending to have a conversation with someone until I could be safely inside my vehicle driving away.
Some people just dont "go away" when you do not want to see them anymore, there is no avoiding it.
Online dating 101: Let them down easy, you never know when you will run into someone again.
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