Friday, March 2, 2012

Freak Me Out Friday

This week's Freak Me Out Friday is....

Corn Fields!


Yes, those long stretches when driving around farmland terrify me due to the fact that there is usually a corn field lurking about.  Ever since I saw the movie Children of the Corn when I was little, I developed a fear of corn fields.

Put it this way, if I am driving in a creepy small town and there are tons of fields for the purpose of growing the corn crop, I am getting the hell out of there as soon as I can.  Why? because chances are there is some sort of demon child possessing all the kids and I just cannot take the risk of getting attacked by them.  Plus, when the crop is tall, it just looks evil and scary.  You never know what can be hidden within those stalks of corn!

Do any of you have something odd that freaks you out?

1 comment:

  1. Luv it!!!! Definitely agree, cornfields freak you out - big time !!!!! Will you ever outgrow this? Maybe on Halloween, we should go to a corn axe"
